Sabtu, 18 Mei 2013

The Old Man Who Made Flowers On Trees

The story:

There was an old woodcutter who lived in small village. One day, when he went to work, he saw a little dog. He felt very sorry for the poor little dog. So, the old man brought the little dog to his house. The old man and his wife took care of it. And, finally they called it, Shiro.

In winter, the old man went to his field with Shiro to dig some vegetables. Suddenly, Shiro barked with excitement as he jump to the bush. Shiro was diging and barking loudly. They found some gold coins. The old man was suprised and hurried away to bring his wife to see what happened.

Their neigbour was greedy, when he saw what happened to them. He was very jealous and wanted some gold for himself. The neighbour want to keep the dog. So, The old man gave shiro to his neighbour, because his neighbour pretended to be friendly. The cruel neighbour tied shiro and hurt shiro to find gold. But, he just got old bits of cloth, wooden shoes, and broken bricks. Shiro was badly hurt. And shiro was died.
The old man and his wife were very sad. But, not for the neighbour, he has no regrets.

Early next morning they buried the little dog. Beside that, he planted a young pine tree. The tree grew more quickly than any tree had ever grown. Everyday, many people come to see the tree.

Next day, the old man came to ask his neighbour to give him back the bowl. But the bowl had became ashes. The old man was very sad. He put it, where shiro was buried. Where every the ashes touched the tree appeared flowers.

It happened that the most important man was visitting the village. He was very suprised to see it. The most important man want that flowers. So, the most important man gave a bag full of gold coins to the old man. The neigbour fails again. He did the same, but the ashes covered the most important man and all his servants. The greedy man asked the important man forgive him for what he had done. And, he promised not to commit crimes. So, the most important man forgave him. And finally, the neighbour was not greedy again.

...The End...